Monday, September 25, 2006

Volpe to Start Smear Campaign Against Iggy?

According to this news item from CTV, the much anticipated news conference Volpe is having today is not to withdraw from the race, but rather point the finger at Ignatieff for all the controversies surrounding his campaign. Oh, and while he is busy laying the blame elsewhere, he is going to blame the media as well (according to reports).

I can't imagine JV has any proof of any wrong doing by Iggy, and in my opinion if Iggy did want to go after someone, it sure as hell wouldn't be Volpe. Just when you thought Joe had sunk to a new low, he surprises us all and goes even lower.


At 7:37 AM, Blogger Red Tory said...

Joe Volpe: “Boldly going beneath the floorboards where no man has gone before.”

This should be interesting to say the least. My bet is in the same camp as you it would seem, but I could be totally amazed (although I doubt it) and Joe might actually drop out of the race.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Sinestra said...

Trogdor, I wouldn't be surprised is Volpe had something on Iggy's Quebec team. Even certain vocal Montreal-based Iggy-bloggers/ supporters have NOTHING nice to say about Iggy's Quebec organisers. One in particular is being held directly responsible for M. Pettigrew's loss in Papineau riding. Incidentally the same riding where this person lives and where, surprise surprise, the worst of the Volpe allegations are supposed to have occured.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Trogdor said...

Unless Volpe is holding a 'smoking gun', who is going to believe him? His credibility was ruined months ago.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Sinestra said...

Let's just wait a couple of hours and see. Whatever he says, it should be pretty interesting.


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